Happy Spring everyone!

Monday, March 16, 2009

British Imperialism in Africa 2

For the second post on my paper, I read an online article detailing social darwinism and its connection with imperialism and racism. Social Darwinism is the based off of Darwin's theory of evolution involving natural selection or survival of the fittest. The difference between Social Darwinism and Darwinism is that Social Darwinism is applied to humans or a race. This is what caused the idea that races are superior to other ones which eventually brought about the sense of extreme nationalism and desire for your own country to be the best. This aided the justification of Imperialism so that the British could do what they wanted to without having to be questioned about the morals or ethics of what they, or any other European nation, was doing. 
"Social Darwinism." MSN Encarta. 2008. Microsoft Corporation. 22 Mar 2009 .