Happy Spring everyone!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Blog # 10 3/4/09

For the text about Holidays, I wanted to use the fourth of July as my holiday. The Fourth Of July is a federal holiday that celebrates the adoption of the Declaration of Independence of July 4, 1776. The United States declared independence from Great Britain on this day, which was a huge deal because it let the U.S. be their own "person" and having to worry about complying with rules/regulations of the mother country. A fun fact is that the Declaration of Independence was actually passed on July 2, but was not made socially aware until the celebration day on the 4th. The Fourth of July is usually celebrated with the use of fireworks, parades, picnics, sporting events, politics, parties, and some types of concerts/fairs. My favorite part of the Fourth of July would have to be gathering with the family up at the lakehouse because we get to spend a whole weekend with relatives, make smores, and have fun. The night of the Fourth, we go out onto the dock and light off the small fireworks before the big lake firework show. Later, the fireworks display begins as the silk-like sky lights up with vibrant colors and obnoxiously loud bangs. All the kids ohh, ahh, and shout because of the overwhelming effect of the majestic fireworks. Soon after, we all go back to the house and light up the last of the sparklers in an attempt to relive the fun of that exact moment. An odd fact is that even though most Americans celebrate the fourth of july, they usually do not understand the real meaning for it, just like Christmas or Easter. I find this very appalling because why should almost every American celebrate the founding of this nation, when, in reality they don't even know what the Declaration is about! It is true that I am also a victim of my own criticism because I celebrate Easter when in fact I do not even know why it is a holiday. This goes to show that Holidays in general are used more than to celebrate a religious or cultural event, but as an excuse to celebrate and have fun.   
"Independence Day July 4th." USA CITYLINK. 4 Mar 2009 .
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