Happy Spring everyone!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

reding blog: 12-7-08- WORLD'S OLDEST ANIMALS

I was online looking at random news articles and I found one that seemed pretty interesting. It's from the website: Telegraph.co.uk. and the article is titled: World's oldest animals by Daily Telegraph reporter. It talks about 8 animals who are supposed to be the oldest of their type. What I found the most interesting was that they classified a clam as a pet. The clam was thought to have been around 410 years old!! It was passed on from family to family in Iceland were it had its own aquarium type living space. Another of my favorites was the Rabbit named George from Tewksbury, Massachusetts who was fourteen years old. The average life expectancy of a rabbit is six to eight years, which made George about 160 years in human years!


Alex R. said...

:O in my blog you said the word contradicting...YOU SAID A BIG WORD!! you must be so proud of yourself!

a blog about animals...exciting...

Britta said...

why yes alex a blog about animals is very inspiriting. Without them, our world would suffer intolerable consequences, not like you contemplated that. Well lets see here, your last blog post was about how magazines and tabloids encouraged a perfect body image which many people know, very exciting. In my blog you made your first comment! YOU MUST BE SO OSTENTATIOUS FOR YOURSELF!! By the way you must have been inebriated when you wrote this response due to the fact that the depth and quality of this post just doesn't match up to the other ones. :0

Alex R. said...

hmm...I can't seem to understand what youre saying because, I cant read "stupid". Hmm...maybe you should ask ms. roehl for more help in class

Britta said...

actually maybe you should ask her for help on how to blog a nice comment people would appreciate that more

Ms. Roehl said...

Remember that if you wouldn't say something in person, you shouldn't write it on a blog post or comment.

Flogistix said...

wow... I really like the content of your post. .. cool . .thanks a lot for showing it to me...keep it up . . love it..
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